Configure Tags

About tags

A signing order can be extended with more information by using Tags.

When creating a new signing order, the first step is to collect some basic information from the user. This is where you can add your Tags by adding some configurations to  Signing Workflow. 

The configuration for tags is located in config/config.json


The most basic tag is a checkbox defined with the type  "type": "boolean"

"tags": [
      "displayText": "label.tags.Archive",
      "name": "archive",
      "type": "boolean",
      "defaultValue": false,
      "description": "label.tags.description"
Click to copy
  • displayText : the screen label. Optionally using a translation identifier.
  • name should be set to a unique name and will be used when referencing the tag.
  • type:  checkbox is set to "boolean".
  • defaultValue determines if the checkbox is checked or not by default.
  • description(optional): will set the description text as a tooltip (see picture above). Optionally using a translation identifier.


Select is dropdown where the user can choose one of the preconfigured values. It will be added as an input after the three existing inputs. Defined with the type "type": "enum"

"tags": [
      "displayText": "label.tags.ArchiveLocation",
      "name": "ArchiveLocation",
      "type": "enum",
      "values": ["Stockholm", "UmeƄ", "LuleƄ"],
      "defaultValue": "Stockholm"
Click to copy
  • displayText : the screen label. Optionally using a translation identifier.
  • name should be set to a unique name and will be used when referencing the tag.
  • type:  select is set to "enum".
  • defaultValue determines if the checkbox is checked or not by default.
  • values: an array with the selectable values.
  • description: will set the description text as a tooltip but in this example it is not used.