Reset Password using One Touch app

This section will show how to use PhenixID One Touch as a method to let users prove their identity before resetting their password.

Requirements : 

  • LDAP must be configured, note the ID of the connection it will be used in later steps.
    (in config UI, SCENARIOS -> CONNECTIONS -> LDAP)
  • One Touch must be configured under SYSTEM

Do the following steps in the ADVANCED tab in the Configuration GUI 


Step 1 - Authentication - HTTP

Add the following configuration to “Authentication - HTTP” 

	"alias": "otpwdreset",
	"name": "Registration",
	"configuration": {
		"stages": [
				"pipeid": "otresetpwd-start",
				"template": "changepwd/otresetpwd-start",
				"errorTemplate": "changepwd/changepwd-common-complete",
				"sessionValues": [
				"translation": [
					"key": "header",
					"mapKeyTo": "ppsspassms.messages.completeheader"
					"key": "paragraph",
					"mapKeyTo": "ppsspasot.poll.progress.labels.error"
					"key": "title",
					"mapKeyTo": "ppsspassms.messages.title"
					"key": "button.done",
					"mapKeyTo": "otpwdreset.start.continue"
				"pipeid": "otresetpwd-set-password",
				"template": "changepwd/otresetpwd-set-password",
				"templateVariables": {
					"password_validity": {
						"contains_lowercase": "true",
						"contains_uppercase": "true",
						"contains_special": "true",
						"contains_number": "true",
						"password_length": "8"
					"cancel_href": "/otpwdreset/authenticate/logout/?replace-ppss-logout_url"
				"translation": [
				"sessionValues": [
				"pipeid": "otresetpwd-complete",
				"template": "changepwd/otresetpwd-complete",
				"sessionValues": [],
				"templateVariables": {
					"done_href": "/otpwdreset/authenticate/logout/?replace-ppss-logout_url"
				"translation": [
	"id": "otpwdreset"

Adjust the following settings to match your password policy:

Requires lower case character set this value to true else false- "contains_lowercase": "true", 

Requires upper case character set this value to true else false- "contains_uppercase": "true",

Requires special character set this value to true else false - "contains_special": "true",

Requires a number set this value to true else false -  "contains_number": "true",

Minimum length of the password , in this example minimum 8 characters- "password_length": "8"

Change logout URL:

"replace-ppss-logout_url" with the url that you want the users to go to when they have completed or canceled the password reset.

Example :

If you like to have the logout URL to then it would look like:


Step 2 - Pipes

Add the following configuration to “Pipes"

	"id": "otresetpwd-start",
	"valves": [
			"name": "SessionLoadValve",
			"config": {
				"id": "{{request.session_id}}"
			"name": "OTTokenVerifierValve",
			"enabled": "true",
			"config": {}
			"name": "FlowFailValve",
			"config": {
				"message": "Session too old",
				"exec_if_expr": "flow.items().isEmpty()"
			"name": "SessionPropertyAddValve",
			"config": {
				"name": "pki_user",
				"value": "{{item.subject}}"
			"name": "LDAPSearchValve",
			"config": {
				"connection_ref": "replace-ldap-ref",
				"base_dn": "replace-base_dn",
				"scope": "SUB",
				"size_limit": "0",
				"filter_template": "replace-ppss-filter",
				"attributes": "givenname,sn,mobile"
			"name": "ItemMergeValve",
			"enabled": "true",
			"config": {
				"dest_id": "{{session.pki_user}}"
			"name": "SessionPropertyAddValve",
			"config": {
				"dest_id": "{{session.pki_user}}",
				"name": "givenname",
				"value": "{{item.givenName}}"
			"name": "SessionPropertyAddValve",
			"config": {
				"name": "sn",
				"value": "{{}}"
			"name": "SessionPropertyAddValve",
			"config": {
				"name": "mobile",
				"value": "{{}}"
			"name": "SessionPersistValve",
			"config": {}
	"id": "otresetpwd-set-password",
	"valves": [
			"name": "SessionLoadValve",
			"config": {
				"id": "{{request.session_id}}"
			"name": "InputParameterExistValidatorValve",
			"config": {
				"param_name": "password"
			"name": "LDAPSearchValve",
			"config": {
				"connection_ref": "replace-ldap-ref",
				"base_dn": "replace-base_dn",
				"scope": "SUB",
				"size_limit": "0",
				"filter_template": "replace-ppss-filter",
				"attributes": ""
			"name": "replace-ppss-pwdvalve",
			"enabled": "true",
			"config": {
				"connection_ref": "replace-ldap-ref",
				"value": "{{request.password}}"
			"name": "SessionPersistValve",
			"config": {}
	"id": "otresetpwd-complete",
	"valves": [
			"name": "SessionLoadValve",
			"config": {
				"id": "{{request.session_id}}"
			"name": "SessionRemoveValve",
			"config": {}

Replace the following Pipe settings:

“replace-ldap-ref” with your LDAP connection id, example “731c93fb-f123-403a-9b4f-45720eeed474”

“replace-base_dn” with your “base_dn”, example “DC=phenixid,DC=local”

"replace-ppss-filter" with either "sAMAccountName={{session.pki_user}}" if you have Active Directory or "uid={{session.pki_user}}" for other LDAP catalogs

"replace-ppss-pwdvalve" with "ADPasswordChangeValve" if you have Active Directory,
for other LDAP catalogs replace with "LDAPModifyValve" and add "modification_type": "REPLACE",
to the config section of the valve

Verify that “filter_template” and “attributes” match your environment.

Step 3 - Add Module

Add the following module to "Modules"

	"name": "com.phenixidentity~phenix-replay-cache",
	"singleton": "true",
	"config": {},
	"id": "replay"

Step 4 - Add Actions to One Touch

In "Modules" section find and add the following to the module "name": "com.phenixidentity~phenix-pki"

Add the following after "guide_id": "guides.onetouch",

	"actions_url" : "replace-otreset-actions_url",
      "actions" : [ {
        "type" : "open",
        "url" : "replace-otreset-url",
        "authentication" : "jwt",
        "title" : "Change password",
        "text" : "Click if you need a password reset"
      } ]

Replace the following :

"replace-otreset-actions_url" to your actions_url address , example ""

"replace-otreset-url" to your url address , example ""

Replace title and text to match your requirements

Example config :

	"name": "com.phenixidentity~phenix-pki",
	"enabled": "true",
	"config": {
		"issuer": "PhenixID",
		"ca_ref": "d1aac3e6-3ff7-4c0a-95cd-9e98ed111864",
		"ca_profile": "64b47de0-b60b-40ec-8a74-8a9201d6d17d",
		"client_key_algorithm": "RSA",
		"client_key_size": "2048",
		"url_prefix": "",
		"http_configuration_ref": "25d1df89-9e0d-4c0a-b8ad-83bd71f7491f",
		"guide_ref": "d753bf53-43e3-424e-bc1b-39459254a39b",
		"guide_id": "guides.onetouch",
		"actions_url": "",
		"actions": [
				"type": "open",
				"url": "",
				"authentication": "jwt",
				"title": "Change password",
				"text": "Click if you need a password reset"

Step 5 - Add module Replay to Node_Group

In the Node_Group section add the module "replay" to the value "module_refs".


"module_refs": "replay,6c191eaa-b035-4641-ab1f-227c7d39b5da,67d0bc1c-8035-4d75-a3eb-652c72e59413"

Step 6 - Use One Touch app to reset password

Open the PhenixID One touch app on your mobile device and select Change password
Follow the instructions presented during password reset