Configuration reference

This document describes all the parameters (set in config/config.json) that controls system behaviour.


System administrators.

Name Description Mandatory Default
addUserViaEmail.enabled Enable Add user via email no false
addUserViaEmail.jwtExpireAfter Expires JWT after given period. The JWT is used when sending an e-mail to the signer which contains an URL to autologin to SWF no "P7D"
addUserViaEmail.jwtSigningCertificatePassword Password for addUserViaEmail.jwtSigningCertificatePath no ""
addUserViaEmail.jwtSigningCertificatePath Path to a certificate to use for creating the JWT yes, if addUserViaEmail.enabled = true  
automationApiEnabled Enable the Automation API (boolean) no false
automationApiInterface Listening interface for the Automation API (string) no ""
automationApiPort Listening port for the Automation API (int) no 8081
credentials.password Password for PKCS12 archive (string) yes, if password.privatePkcs12 is encrypted  
credentials.privatePkcs12 PKCS12 archive for server certificate and private key (string) yes  
database.changelog Path to database changeset (string) yes "db_migrations/changelog.master.xml"
database.driver_class Database driver (string) yes ""
database.initial_pool_size Initial number of connections in connection pool (int) no 3
database.max_idle_time Maximum idle time for a connection in connection pool (0 means forever) (int) no 0
database.max_pool_size Maximal number of connections in connection pool (int) no 15
database.migrations_enabled Enable database changeset. Only change if you know what you are doing. (boolean) yes true
database.min_pool_size Minimal number of connections in connection pool (int) no 3
database.password Database  password (string) yes  
database.url Database connection URL. E.g. "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;database=digo;encrypt=false" (string) yes  
database.user Database user (string) yes  
deleteOrdersJob.acceptedAgeLimit Max age for orders with status ACCEPTED. Value in ISO8601 (string) no deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit
deleteOrdersJob.batchSize Number of orders to process att the same time (int) no 100
deleteOrdersJob.cancelledAgeLimit Max age for orders with status CANCELLED. Value in ISO8601 (string) no deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit
deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit Default max age for an order before it is deleted. This value is overridden if a max age is set for a specific order status. E.g. acceptedAgeLimit. Value in ISO8601 (string). This value is also used for determining max age for errand due dates and. SWF will get the longest possible value for either defaulAgeLimit, pendingAgeLimit or totalAgeLimit (if set) and set to maximum due date time. no "P100Y"
deleteOrdersJob.delay Delay in  ISO-8601 before running first batch job or when to schedule with cron expression (string) no "PT0S"
deleteOrdersJob.enabled Enable or disable the entire delete orders job. (boolean) no false
deleteOrdersJob.expiredAgeLimit Max age for orders with status EXPIRED. Value in ISO8601 (string) no deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit
deleteOrdersJob.failedAgeLimit Max age for orders with status FAILED. Value in ISO8601 (string) no deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit
deleteOrdersJob.pendingAgeLimit Max age for orders with status PENDING. Value in ISO8601 (string) no deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit
deleteOrdersJob.rejectedAgeLimit Max age for orders with status REJECTED. Value in ISO8601 (string) no deleteOrdersJob.defaultAgeLimit
deleteOrdersJob.schedule Delay between batch jobs in ISO-8601 or Cron expression (string) no "0 0 0,1,2,3,4,5 * * ?"
deleteOrdersJob.statusFilter Comma-separated order status values;
deleteOrdersJob.totalAgeLimit Maximum total age of an errand, regardless of status. When set to null, errands will not have a maximum total age. no null
descriptionLength Maximum description length for an errand.
Keep this the same as the database limit as this will not change the database limit.
no 2048
documentRetention.batchSize Number of documents to process att the same time (int) no 100
documentRetention.completedDocumentAge Max age of a completed (ACCEPTED, REJECTED, CANCELED, EXPIRED) document until it is deleted. Value in ISO8601 (string) no "P30D"
documentRetention.delay Delay in  ISO-8601 before running first batch job or when to schedule with cron expression (string) no "PT0S"
documentRetention.deleteFromDatabase Also delete document data from the database (boolean) no false
documentRetention.deleteFromDatabaseAgeLimit Max age of a document until its data is deleted from the database. Requires 'deleteFromDatabase' (string) no "P100Y"
documentRetention.enabled Enable or disable the entire document retention function. (boolean) no true
documentRetention.inactiveDocumentAge Max age of an inactive or finalized (REJECTED, CANCELED, EXPIRED) document until it is deleted.  Value in ISO8601 (string) no "PT12H"
documentRetention.schedule Delay between batch jobs in ISO-8601 or Cron expression (string) no "0 0 2 * * ?"
documentRetention.unconsumedDocumentAge Max age of an orphan document until it is deleted. Value in ISO8601 (string) no "PT12H"
emailValidation.enabled Validate email address that is entered into SWF. no true
emailValidation.jmail.strictValidator Enable strict validation when using Jmail
More info:
no false
emailValidation.regex.javaRegex Java regex to use when emailValidation.type is "regex"
Only used on backend.
yes See config-sample.json in installation directory
emailValidation.regex.javaScriptRegex Javascript regex to use when validating in frontend.
The email will be validated again when it reaches the backend.
yes See config-sample.json in installation directory
emailValidation.type What type of validation to use in the backend.
Possible values are "jmail" and "regex".

More about jmail:

If you don't want to use jmail you can change to using a regular expression which is configured with emailValidation.regex.javaRegex

Frontend always uses regex because jmail is a backend validator.
yes "jmail"
expireOrdersJob.batchSize Number of documents to process att the same time (int) no 100
expireOrdersJob.delay Delay in  ISO-8601 before running first batch job or when to schedule with cron expression (string) no "PT0S"
expireOrdersJob.enabled Enable or disable expiring orders job (boolean) no true
expireOrdersJob.schedule The delay between batch jobs in ISO-8601 or Cron expression (string) no "0 0,30 * * * ?"
fileService.password File service user password (string) yes  
fileService.url URL of File Service (string) yes  
fileService.username File service user (string) yes  
logNetworkActivity Enable TCP logging for incoming HTTP requests (boolean) no false
logoutUrl Browser redirects to this URL on logout (string) yes  
notifications.downloadLink Direct download link for document in an email (boolean) no true
orderOptions.enableInviteUrlTargetOption When enabled using true or false, solicitors get the option to set Invite URL target in the UI. Read more here. no false
orderOptions.enableNotifyAllSignersOption When enabled, all signers will be notified when everyone in the errand signs the document. All signers will also be able to download the document (boolean) no false
orderOptions.defaultInviteUrlTarget Sets the default value of the Invite URL target in the UI. Available options are SWF or SIGN_SERVICE. Read more here. no "SWF"
orderOptions.defaultSignerNotification Set default value on whether or not all signers should be able to download the final document. no false
orderReminder.batchSize Order reminder batch size (int) no 25
orderReminder.beforeExpiration Send a reminder number of days before the order expires. Value in ISO8601 (string) no "P2D"
orderReminder.delay Delay in  ISO-8601 before running first batch job or when to schedule with cron expression (string) no "PT15S"
orderReminder.enabled Enable reminder notifications (boolean) no true
orderReminder.schedule The delay between batch jobs in ISO-8601 or Cron expression (string) no "PT35S"
primaryServerInterface Listening interface for the web app API (string) no ""
primaryServerPort Listening port for the web app API (int) no 8080
publicUrl Public URL for the Signing Workflow service. E.g. (string) yes  
saml.assertionConsumerServiceUrl SAML Assertion consumer URL (string) yes  
saml.attributes.authority Authority attribute (string) yes  
saml.attributes.firstName First name attribute (string) yes  
saml.attributes.lastName Last name attribute (string) yes  
saml.attributes.mail Mail attribute (string) yes  
saml.attributes.source Source attribute (string) yes  
saml.defaultLocale SAML locale. E.g. "sv" (string) yes  
saml.issuerId SAML issuer ID (string) yes  
saml.postSsoUrl SAML IdP Request consumer URL (string) yes  
saml.roles.solicitor This value for the digo_saml_authority attribute indicates Solicitor permissions (string) yes  
saml.skewTime SAML skew time in milliseconds (int) no 30000
saml.trustedCertificates.[] List of files containing trusted certificates for SAML ticket validation (array of strings)
E.g. "saml": { "trustedCertificates": [     "/path/saml.pem"    ] }
saml.trustedIssuers.[] List of trusted Issuers (Array of strings)
E.g. "saml": { "trustedIssuers": [     "stockholm"    ] }
sessionTimeout Session timeout in milliseconds (int) no 14400000 (4 hours)
signingOrders.bodyLimit Max upload file size in bytes (int) no 2097152 (2 MiB)
signingOrders.documentLocationId File storage ID. Change this to a unique value every time the File storage directory is changed (int) yes 1
signingOrders.documentMimeType Mime type header when downloading a signed document (string) no "application/octet-stream"
signingOrders.usePdfAFlavours Allow these PDF/A flavours. See PDF/A validation (Array of strings) no []
signingOrders.disableDocumentChecks Disables all document validations except the PDF flavour validation. See PDF validation for more information. no false
signingOrders.rejectInvalidPdfA Reject invalid PDF/A file selections (boolean) no false
signingOrders.fileDirectory Path to where to store signed documents (string) yes  
signingService.url URL of Signing Service (string) yes  
smtp.client.hostname SMTP hostname (string) yes (if smtp is enabled)  
smtp.client.keyStore Key store file to trust server certificates (string) no  
smtp.client.keyStorePassword Password for key store file (string) yes, if keyStore is encrypted  
smtp.client.login Use authentication on the SMTP service
smtp.client.password SMTP Password (string) yes (if smtp is enabled)  
smtp.client.port SMTP port (int) no 587
smtp.client.ssl Use TLS when connecting to mail server (boolean) no true
smtp.client.starttls Use StartTLS (String: DISABLED, OPTIONAL, REQUIRED) no "REQUIRED"
smtp.client.trustAll Trust all certificates when connecting to mail server (boolean) no false
smtp.client.username SMTP Username (string) yes (if smtp is enabled)  
smtp.enabled SMTP notifications enabled (boolean) no false
sourceCookie.cookieName Cookie name no "swfSource"
sourceCookie.domain Domain for the cookie. Set to null to use server domain no null
sourceCookie.enabled Enable source cookie. It is a cookie that contains the source value for the user.
The syntax for the value is; source=EXTERNAL
no false
sourceCookie.isHttpOnly Set http only cookie no true
sourceCookie.isSecure Set secure cookie
Secure cookie can only be used with HTTPS
no true
sourceCookie.maxAge Set cookie expiration Duration in ISO-8601 (string).
Set null for creating a session cookie.
no null
sourceCookie.path Set cookie path no "/"
sourceCookie.sameSite Set same site. Possible values are; null, "none", "lax", "strict" no null
tags Add custom tags that can be used to tag signing orders no  
smtp.fromAddress Notification email from (string) yes (if smtp is enabled)  
users.externalUserAttributes.firstName First name attribute in external user query result (string) yes Info attribute in external user query result (string) yes  
users.externalUserAttributes.lastName Last name attribute in external user query result (string) yes  
users.externalUserAttributes.mail Mail attribute in external user query result (string) yes Mobile attribute in external user query result (string) yes  
users.externalUserLookup URL for external user lookup (string) yes  
users.internalUserAttributes.department Department attribute in internal user query result (string) yes  
users.internalUserAttributes.firstName First name attribute in internal user query result (string) yes  
users.internalUserAttributes.lastName Last name attribute in internal user query result (string) yes  
users.internalUserAttributes.mail Mail attribute in internal user query result (string) yes Mobile attribute in internal user query result (string) yes  
users.internalUserAttributes.organization Organization attribute in internal user query result (string) yes  
users.internalUserAttributes.userId User ID attribute in internal user query result (string) yes  
users.internalUserLookup URL for internal user lookup (string) yes  
users.internalUserSearch URL for internal user search  (string) yes  
users.sslKeyFile Path to private key for TLS authentication  (string) no  
users.sslKeyFileType Key file type (string) no "pkcs12"
users.sslKeyPassword Password for the private TLS key  (string) yes, if sslKeyFile is encrypted  
users.sslTrustFile Custom trust store  (string) no  
users.useSsl Use TLS towards User Query Service (boolean) no false
users.useSslClientCert Use TLS Client Auth towards User Query Service (boolean) no false
users.useSslTrustAll Trust all TLS server certificates (boolean) no false
users.sslTrustFileType Trust store type  (string) no "pkcs12"
validateSignaturesService.basicAuth.basicAuthPassword BasicAuth password when accessing PAS for signature validation no  
validateSignaturesService.basicAuth.basicAuthUsername BasicAuth username when accessing PAS for signature validation no  
validateSignaturesService.basicAuth.enabled Enabled BasicAuth when accessing PAS for signature validation no false
validateSignaturesService.enabled Enable signature validation button no false
validateSignaturesService.url URL for the validation endpoint in PAS. Note that this request is made from the application. Not the users browser. no  
webHook.connectionTimeout Timeout for the http POST. Duration in ISO-8601 (string) no "PT30S"
webHook.enabled Enable webhooks (boolean) no false
webHook.endpoint Endpoint for webhook (string) no  
webHook.key Extra query parameter in endpoint URL (string) no  
webHook.secret Secret to create header signature  (string) no  
webHook.sslKeyFile Private key for TLS authentication, mandatory if using SSL (string) no  
webHook.sslKeyFileType Content type (string) no "pkcs12"
webHook.sslKeyPassword Password for the private TLS key (string) yes, if sslKeyFile is encrypted  
webHook.sslTrustFile Certificate file, mandatory (string) yes, if using client authentication   
webHook.sslTrustFileType Content type (string) no "pkcs12"
webHook.useSslClientCert Use TLS Client authentication toward webhook service (boolean) no false
webHook.useSslTrustAll Trust all TLS server certificates (boolean) no true