Release notes

Signing Workflow 2.5.6

New features

  • IGA-502 New assets folder where favicons and logo can be placed without being overwritten on re-install. Read more about it here.
  • IGA-685 Translations can now be role based, meaning functionalities like the header banner can be shown for some roles, show a different message to another role and hidden for a third role. Read more about it here.
  • IGA-690 Invite URL target (also known as "linkType") can now be set via the GUI. Read more here.
  • IGA-715 A reminder email can now be sent before document deletion, giving solicitors and signers (if they are allowed to download the document) a heads up before the document is removed. Read more here.

Defect fixes

  • IGA-731 Default property not reflected in summary page
    The summary page was missing information regarding signers being able to download the document when setting default defaultSignerNotification was set to true. Issue resolved

Signing Workflow 2.5.5

This version relies on Vertx and Hazelcast 4.5.8, which means the Hazelcast config has been updated. If you have specified another Hazelcast config file, you need to update it accordingly. To check whether or not this applies to you, check if you have specified the -Dvertx.hazelcast.config property. To resolve this, change the following in you hazelcast config file:

  1. Change the schemaLocation from 4.2 to 5.3
  2. Remove the config parameter executor-pool-size entirely

If you have specificed -Dvertx.hazelcast.config and fail to update that configuration according to the steps above, you will see the following log at startup

Invalid content was found starting with element '{"":executor-pool-size}'.

New features

  • IGA-652 Extended pre-validations on PDF uploads
    By default, all documents uploaded to SWF will be checked for potential issues and the user will be notified. Signatures signed in beforehand will be highlighted as a warning to the user and if a PDF lock is found, the user will unable to create an errand with that document. This functionality can be disabled by setting signingOrders.disableDocumentChecks to true. Read more in the PDF validation section
  • IGA-656 Set default setting for document download
    Administrators can set the default behavior for document downloads for all signers by setting orderOptions.defaultSignerNotification to true.

Defect fixes

  • IGA-613 Header logo does not work as home button. Issue resolved
  • IGA-606 Certain characters is not shown correctly on MacOS
    Database not defaulting to Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8. Issue resolved
  • IGA-628 GUI naming incoherent
    The GUI shows different naming for the same links in the side menu and the dashboard. Read more about removed variables here. Issue resolved
  • IGA-629 Issues when typing date
    Users can not type the date and needs to click to get the correct date. Issue resolved
  • IGA-612 Issue with Outlook client
    When a user is added via email, the email that is sent out is rendered incorrectly in the Oulook client, resulting in an unreadable, full length link to the signing page. Issue resolved
  • IGA-701 Day is removed when editing due date
    When users edit due dates by keyboard, one day is removed. Issue resolved

Signing Workflow 2.5.4

New features

  • IGA-513 Display customer-defined information/notification in the UI.
    Administrators can add custom information in a banner displayed in the header of SWF. More info at Information Banner
  • IGA-563 Set custom cookie with source to allow IDP to determine what source was used.
    Administrators can set source information to a cookie. This could be used for remembering login selections. Search for "sourceCookie" in Configuration reference to read more.


  • IGA-550 Validate email and trim whitespaces from email address in API
    Administrators can adjust the email validation to include either a custom Java and JavaScript regex or use JMail as email validator. Search for "emailValidation" in Configuration reference to read more.

Defect fixes

  • IGA-454 Retention time configuration unclear
    Retention time does not work as expected. The correct implementation can be viewed in detail here. Issue resolved
  • IGA-600 Can't disable PDF Validation
    When null or an empty array is set, the application crashes. See more in the PDF/A validation documentation. Issue resolved
  • IGA-602 Invalid state of errand in GUI
    When an errand is expanded and the user navigates to another view, the state of the errands in the new view have the same state as the expanded errand until another errand is expanded. Issue resolved
  • IGA-603 Email warning spreads to all errands in the list (GUI)
    When an errand have a signer added by email, a warning triangle is displayed. When that errand is expanded, all other errands gets a warning triangle until an errand without a signer added by email is expanded. Then, all warning triangles, including on the errand that have a user added by email, is hidden. Issue resolved
  • IGA-612 Blue screen appears when changing date manually (GUI)
    When a user wants to change date using the keyboard, the page crash. Issue resolved
  • IGA-614 Remove text in header (GUI)
    An unneeded text is displayed in the header. Issue resolved
  • IGA-615 When user tries to add more than 3 documents error appears (GUI)
    SWF only accepts uploading one document, but a warning text suggests users can upload no more than three documents. Issue resolved
  • IGA-616 status.undefined not translated to Swedish (GUI)
    One of the statuses is displayed incorrectly, as "status.undefined" instead of "Avvisade". Issue resolved
  • IGA-617 App crashes when adding new signer in edit mode
    Adding signers after the errand was created causes the app to crash. Issue resolved

Signing Workflow 2.5.3

Bug fixes

  • Fixed error with sending too many reminder emails

Signing Workflow 2.5.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixing database upgrade error when upgrading from versions 2.1.1, 2.2.0 and 2.3.0.

Signing Workflow 2.5.1

Bug fixes

  • Edit buttons not showing for solicitors not owning the errand
  • Accepting errand when removing all queued and pending signers
  • Allow removing queued signers
  • Validation button issues resolved
  • Security improvements

Signing Workflow 2.5.0

Important changes

This release focused on delivering multiple errand editability features, including editing description, signers, priority etc. The release also includes minor features and bug fixes.

New features


  • IGA-509 Graphical issues in GUI
    Mobile layout responsiveness and different buttons for the same task. Improvement added 

Bug fixes

  • IGA-467 Do not log out when changing language
    When changing language in SWF, the is sometimes logged out. Issue resolved
  • IGA-504 Runtime error when uploading first document
    If the "files" folder isnt available, SWF sometimes generates a Runtime error when uploading the first document. Issue resolved