Configure order options

Notify all signers

Errand signers can be divided into solicitors and signers, where solicitors creates the errand and the signers signs the errand (a solicitor can also be a signer). Only the solicitor can download the document after completion and will be notified on the status. However, the notifyAllSigners functionality gives the solicitor an option to extend this permission to the signers, so that everyone in the errand can download the document and will be notified on the status.

If activated, a new checkbox will appear in the options section when selecting signers. Selecting the checkbox will activate notifications to all selected signers. If the checkbox was selected it will also be displayed in the overview section of the order.

This setting is set on errand level, meaning solicitors can not enable download to only some signers.


This is the configuration parameters that should be added the the config/config.json file:

"orderOptions": {
  "enableNotifyAllSignersOption": true | false,
  "defaultSignerNotification": true | false
  • enableNotifyAllSignersOption - Whether or not this functionality should be enabled to the user. If disabled, only solicitors will be able to download the document
  • defaultSignerNotification - Default setting. If true, all signers will be able to download, and get status notification of, the document. If false, only the solicitor will be able to download the document. Regardless of default setting, solicitors can override it via the UI by checking/unchecking the checkbox.

Invite URL target (formerly linkType)

When an invite is sent out to a signer, the invite URL can be directed either to the SWF application where the signer can see all their errands, but signers can also be directed directly to the signature flow. This means the signer will avoid SWF, which could be useful for citizens that might only want to sign the document and not want to use the SWF UI.

To use enable this functionality for solicitors, the following could be added to your config.json

  "orderOption": {
    "enableInviteUrlTargetOption": true | false,
    "defaultInviteUrlTarget": "SWF | SIGN_SERVICE"
  • enableInviteUrlTargetOptions - Whether or not solicitors should be able to set the inviteUrlTarget in the UI.
  • defaultInviteUrlTarget - Default setting on where to direct signers, will default to SWF. Could be one of the following:
    • SWF - Signers are directed towards the SWF UI where users can see all their errands
    • SIGN_SERVICE - Signer are directed towards the signature flow

This setting is set on errand level, meaning solicitors can not use different inviteUrlTarget 's to different signers.


To update these settings, the application needs to be restarted.