All default language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity~phenix-prism-enroll-pki~<version>/web/locales/xx. These are not to be changed since they get overwritten during an update of the server.
The recommended way to change/override all language keys is by adding them to: overlay/activateonetouch/locales/xx/translation.json
All changes in texts / translations will require a restart of the service.
NOTE for PAS 5.0 and later:
- Starting from PAS 5.0 version and up, the recommended way to change/override is through using "modsoverlay" folder instead of "overlay" folder. See here for more info
- Instructions above, and below, apply but by using same paths in the modsoverlay folder.
How to use
Copy the original translation.json located in the mods/com.phenixidentity~phenix-prism-enroll-pki~<version>/web/locales/xx folder and place the file in the /overlay/activateonetouch/locales/xx folder. Open the file and change the texts.
Adding a language
In order to have the custom translations to work, the corresponding language has to exist in the phenix-prism-enroll-pki module.
The language folder and files has to be created both in the module and in the overlay if a new language is added to the server