Release notes
Signing Workflow 2.3.0
Important changes
New features
- Set default language for the graphical interface Language and Translations
Configure scheduled jobs
- Support scheduling using Cron expressions
- New Job: Delete signing orders
- Scheduling for expire orders job is now configurable
- Reconfigure jobs at runtime without restarting the application.
- Delete signing order using the graphical user interface
- Delete signing order using the API
- Anonymize user using the API
- The configuration file is validated at startup
- Added additional Java arguments for Hazelcast in the startup scripts to get the best performance results.
NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS: this is configured by the filesigningworkflow.vmoptions
. You will be asked to overwrite this file when upgrading with the installer. Select YES if you never have changed this file. Select NO if you have changed this file and add the following lines yourself:--add-module --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens --add-opens
Bug fixes
- Changing language is now fixed: Language and Translations
Upgrade notes
- OpenAPI documentation has moved, and clients using the Automation API need to note the new location. See Automation API
- Make sure Java 17.0.6 is used if not using the installer at upgrade.