PhenixID Signing Services and PDF files compliancy
This document describes which PDF files can be signing by PhenixID Signing Services.
It also describes the behaviour when signing PDF with document extensions, such as interactive form fields.
PDF versions
All PDF files from version 1.3 and above are supported.
View this link for more information about PDF versions.
PDF ISO formats
PDFs may adher to ISO formats such as PDF/A, PDF/UA or PDF/X.
All ISO formats that supports electronic signatures (PDF formats PDF/X and PDF/VT do not) are supported by PhenixID Signing Services.
For more information about PDF ISO formats, please view this link.
PDF Document properties
The PDF document must allow signing.

Encrypted / password-protected documents
Using PADESSignValve only
If PhenixID Signing Services is configured to use PADESSignValve (without a leading AddImageToPDFValve), the encrypted / protected document must have Signing = Allowed (see above)
Using AddImageToPDFValve or PADESSignVisibleSignatureValve
Usage of these valves requires editing (change) of the document, hence they cannot be applied on encrypted / password-protected PDF documents.
Signing PDFs with document extensions
PDFs with document extension features, such as interactive form fields, can be signed.

After the document has been signed, the document extensions will not be available. An informative message will be displayed when opening the signed document in Adobe Reader.

Based on the extension enabled on the original document, the top panel will display additional information (besides the signature status).