Authenticate using BankID. Depending on the method used the user may need to enter the personal number.
BankID authenticator allows for three different scenarios:
- Starting BankID on the same device.
- Starting BankID on another device(only v5.1).
- Starting BankID using a QR code.
Every method needs to be activated through configuration.
Translate userVisibleData by adding keyword "bankid.translated.userVisibleData" to this field and update language files with the keyword and translations.
On successful authentication, these parameters will be added to the request sent to the connected pipe:
- userPersonalNumber - The end user personal number (SSID)
- userGivenName - The end user given name
- userSurName - The end user family name
- bid_signature - The signature created in the bankID client during the authentication
The requirement parameter is used to describe how a signature must be created and verified. Add a json(escaped as String) containing one or more of the attributes below to the authenticators configuration.
Example Configuration
"id": "bidsaml",
"alias": "bidsaml",
"name": "SAML2BankID",
"configuration": {
"pipeID": "pipeBID",
"keyStore": "bankidkeystore",
"mode": "test",
"version": "v6.0",
"requirement": "{\"certificatePolicies\":[\"\"], \"mrtd\": false}",
"userVisibleData": "*This is visible in the BankID application*",
"userVisibleDataFormat": "simpleMarkdownV1",
"enableHoneypot": "true",
"loginTemplate": "bankid.template",
"translation": [
"templateVariables": {
"methods": [
"title": "bankid.messages.option_label_od",
"image": "/authenticate/res/images/icons/phenixid-bankid.png",
"data-toggle-action": "OD"
"title": "bankid.messages.option_label_sd",
"image": "/authenticate/res/images/icons/phenixid-bankid.png",
"data-toggle-action": "SD"
"title": "bankid.messages.option_label_qr",
"image": "/authenticate/res/images/icons/phenixid-bankid-qr.png",
"data-toggle-action": "QR"
Click to copy
- A BankID key store issued by an authorized issuer
- The user must have activated BankID prior to authenticating