
Used when authentication is on username and password.


Name Description Default value Mandatory
idpID The iternal identifier of the idp used N/A Yes
pipeID Id of the pipe used to issue the SAML assertion N/A Yes
samlAuthMethod What value is set in the AuthnContextClassRef urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport No
loginTemplate UI template used for rendering enduser UI login.template No
userNameParamName Parameter where username resides username Yes
passworParamterName Parameter where password resides password Yes
useOTPLoggingKey If used in a username and OTP context set to true in order to get correct event id logged false No
sendSAMLResponseOnError Whether or not a SAMLResponse containing an error response should be sent back to the SP upon an internal authentication error. false No
strictValidation Whether or not additional validation checks should be made on the SAMLRequest. false No
resolveSAMLRequestProperties Whether or not request properties from the SAML AuthnRequest should be resolved before proceeding with the authentication. Typically used at the start of an authentication flow. false No

Example Configuration

    "alias": "uidpwdsaml",
    "name": "PostUidAndPasswordSAML",
    "configuration": {
        "idpID": "idp",
