
Used when authenticating or signing against Freja eID. 

Only QR-code is available when using other device.  No user input required by the user. On same device (mobile client) the pattern of "app switching" is used.On same device (mobile client) the pattern of "app switching" is used.

Read more about Freja eID and integration here:

and here regarding authentication:

Authentication mode is always the default. To use signature mode, the authentication must be for SAML and the AuthnRequest must contain a SignMessage. The "signText" for this Freja eID transaction will be set to the value of the SignMessage. You can disable signatures completely by setting the configuration parameter "allowSignTransactions" to "false".

The authenticator only handles Swedish and English localisation.


Name Description Default value Mandatory
pipeID Pipe to be executed after a successful authentication using Freja eID. Yes
loginTemplate Name of the template used for rendering the frontend UI. frejaeidagnostic.template No
keystoreId Id of the keystore to use when communicating with Freja eID backend server. Yes
mode Should communication be done to test or production Freja eID backend. Allowed values are 'test_personal','test_organisation','production_organisation' or 'production_personal'. production No
max_polls How many polls should be done before consider the process timed out. 30 No
poll_interval Time between polls, in milliseconds. Note that tighter pollintervall adds strain to the system. 2000 No
attributesToGet The list of attributes to return from Freja eID ie the user data. Allowed values are BASIC_USER_INFO,EMAIL_ADDRESS,DATE_OF_BIRTH,ADDRESSES,SSN,ORGANISATION_ID_IDENTIFIER,DOCUMENT,PHOTO,REGISTRATION_LEVEL. When adding/changing data must be entered as a string seperated by comma. SSN No
requiredRegistrationLevel Allowed values are BASIC, EXTENDED or PLUS. This is a single value string PLUS No
device_selector Enables selection of authentication device. true No
method_other_device_enabled Enables authentication using QR code with other device. true No
method_same_device_enabled Enables authentication on same device. true No
allowSignTransactions Whether or not to allow Freja eID sign transactions to be started if an incoming request contains a SignMessage. true No
signTitle The title of the sign transaction as it appears in the app. Only relevant when a sign transaction has been triggered. No

Example configuration

    "id": "freja",
    "alias": "freja",
    "name": "FrejaAuthenticator",
    "displayName": "Freja",
    "configuration": {
        "pipeID": "64452300-d25d-45ae-bd7a-a6cfb7f0e5e0",
        "keystoreId": "c5e0b707-a297-420e-a741-08d3e25df1be",
        "mode": "test_personal",
        "attributesToGet": "EMAIL_ADDRESS,SSN,ORG_ID"

Additional information

Only some of the information returned from Freja eID is available to the pipe when executing. 

If returned from Freja eID, the attributes are:

  • userPersonalNumber
  • userGivenName
  • userSurName
  • primaryMail
  • relyingPartyUserId
  • integratorSpecificUserId
  • documentType
  • documentExpirationDate
  • documentCountry
  • documentSerialNumber
  • registrationLevel

The executing PIPE MUST return an item property named userName. It will be used as user identifier for the current session.

It may NOT be empty.


A keystore with a valid certificate is uploaded to the PAS server.

User enrolled for freja e-id.

Trusting the Freja backend HTTPS/TLS. This is not done by default.

Add new certificates to the trust store