DEPRECATED! Use FrejaEIDAuthStatusValve instead.
Verify an already initialized Freja eID authentication. Used in the context of the HTTP API.
On successful execution a new property, 'frejaeidresponse', will be added to the first item in the list of items. If no item is found a new item is created with a randomized identifier.
Value of the 'frejaeidresponse' contains the entire response from Freja eID backend, Base64 encoded.
Information regarding the data structure is found here:
On approved status data is added to response for convenience. Data added is:
- userPersonalNumber
- userGivenName
- userSurName
- primaryMail
- relyingPartyUserId
- integratorSpecificUserId
Any additional data required is found in the 'frejaeidresponse'.
Example Configuration
{ "name": "FrejaeIDStatusAuthenticateValve", "config": { "keyStoreId": "c5e0b707-a297-420e-a741-08d3e25df1be", "mode": "test_personal" } }
- Keystore (p12 format) file used to authenticate to Freja eID service stored on PhenixID Authentication Server.
- Enrolled Freja eID user
- The incoming request must contain "authRef". Teh value of the authRef is collected when initializing the authentication.
This valve is not included in the default installation. The attached ZIP file includes this valve along with any required dependencies.
Extract the zip and place the content under <installation_root>/mods/com.phenixidentity~phenix-