PhenixID DocumentationPhenixID Authentication ServicesSolutionsMessagingHow to change mail template text in PhenixID Server for OTPBySMTPValve

How to change mail template text in PhenixID Server for OTPBySMTPValve

This article describes how to change the text in the mail template in PhenixID Server.

The reader should have some basic knowledge about PhenixID Server.

System requirements

  • PhenixID Server installed.


The instructions in this document will help you customize text in the mail template file for OTPBySMTPValve.

We will make changes to the file otp_mail_template.mustache.

So please make sure that you have a recent copy/backup of this file.

Customize the text in the template

Edit the file otp_mail_template.mustache located in <PhenixID Server installationdirectory>/resources.

Change the text to your own requirements.

This can be customized using normal HTML/CSS.