How-to-guide for customizing PhenixID One Touch profiles and assignments
Please follow this guide to customize the look of PhenixID One Touch profiles and assignments.
This guide describes how to change PhenixID One Touch GUI to suite your needs.
The profile is displayed when opening the PhenixID One Touch app. Example:

Customize PhenixID One Touch profile
Customize PhenixID One Touch profiles by following this guide.
The assignment is displayed during authentication (or signing). Example:

Customize PhenixID One Touch assignments
PhenixID One Touch assignments are downloaded from the server to the client for each authentication/signing request. The assignment is created based on a json template stored as a file resource on the server:
By default, all OneTouch authenticators will build the assignment based on the template ot_auth_template.json.
There is also a possibility to copy the default template, rename and edit the copy and then point to the copied template for each authenticator. This is useful for multi-tenant scenarios or simply to display different information for different authenticators.
Modifying the json template
- Backup ot_auth_template.json
- Open ot_auth_template.json in a text editor
- Change it to suite your needs:
- Add new styles (text and background color)
- Assign new style to controls
- Replace, remove or add images. Convert the image you would like to use to a base64-encoded value. Add the base64-encoded value. Please remember to keep image sizes low as the assignment will be downloaded to the client for each authentication/signing request. Recommended size is 10-20kb. A png image is suitable for transparent logos and jpeg for images with mixed content.
See example of an assignment below and also the mapping template file. The template control id:s have been added to the assignment image to describe the mapping.

Configuring authenticators with non-default assignment template
[This step is only needed if you created specific assignment template and want to map it to specific authenticator]
Please change the authenticator configuration parameter according to the documentation.
This configuration example points to a custom assignment template file (<phenixid_server_root>/resources/my_ot_assignment_template.json):
"alias": "OIDCUidOneTouch",
"name": "OIDCUidOneTouch",
"configuration": {
"pipeID": "authPipe",
"clientTemplate" : "my_ot_assignment_template.json"