How to configure PhenixID Authentication Services to properly populate JWT array claims
- PhenixID Authentication Services version 4.0 or higher
- PhenixID Authentication Services configured with an OpenID Connect Provider
- Login to Configuration Manager
- Select Scenarios->OIDC->YOUR_OIDC_PROVIDER
- Click Execution flow
- Expand Token endpoint
- If the array data is in the session (which is the case when a SAML IdP is used for authentication), click add valve and add a PropertyFromSessionToItem valve. Source should be set to the name of the SAML multivalue attribute. Example:
- Place the valve after SessionLoadValve and before GenerateJWTTokenVavle, using drag-and-drop
- Add a new valve, PropertyJoinValve. Set the source to the same as above. Example:
- Place the valve after the previously added PropertyFromSessionToItem valve, using drag-and-drop
- Expand the GenerateJWTTokenVavle
- Add a new token attribute.
name = same as above, for example groups
value = {{item.same_as_above}}, for example {{item.groups}}
type = array
- Click Save
- Expand the PropertyJoinValve
- Click Advanced
- Copy the ID value
- Click on the top Advanced tab
- Click on the pen to the right of Pipe valves
- Search for the previously copied ID
- Make the following changes to the valve config:
- Remove the dest parameter (whole row)
- Change the separator value to \",\"

- Click Stage changes and Commit changes
- Select Scenarios->OIDC->YOUR_OIDC_PROVIDER
- Click Execution flow
- Expand Token endpoint
- Expand GenerateJWTTokenVavle
- Click Advanced
- Copy the ID value
- Click on the top Advanced tab
- Click on the pen to the right of Pipe valves
- Search for the previously copied ID
- Make the following changes to the valve config:
- Locate the token attribute (in this example groups)
- Change the value to [\"{{item.groups}}\"] (change groups to match your property name)

- Click Stage changes and Commit changes