OIDC / OAuth - Add configuration to achieve Single-Sign-On (SSO)
This document is written for PhenixID Authentication Services (PAS).
The reader should have some basic knowledge about PAS.
This document describes how to configure the system to achieve SSO (Single-Sign on) for OpenID Connect / OAuth authentication flows.
- If you are using PAS as OP-SAML_SP bridge with a SAML Identity Provider, the SSO should take place on the SAML IdP. If you are using another authentication mechanism on the OP, please follow the steps below.
- At least one OIDC OP configured (using guide in PAS Configuration Manager). This OP is referred to below as OP1.
Add SSO authenticator
- Log in to the configuration UI, go to the "Scenarios" tab
- Click OIDC
- Add a new OIDC OP by clicking the plus sign to the right of Username and Password (This OP will be referred to below as OP_SSO.)
- Name the OIDC OP "SSO"
- Select the same flow type, allowed RPs etc as OP1
- Set tenant = dummy
- Once done, click Execution flow
- Remove the LDAPBindValve from the flow. (Or modify the sql statement if the users are located in a sql store)
- If needed, modify the execution flow (the first one) with the same modifications as OP1
- Click View OP Discovery
- Fetch the OP_SSO startpoint alias by copying the last part of the authorization_endpoint URL. This will be used in later steps. Example:

Fetch OP1 original startpoint alias
- Log in to the configuration UI, go to the "Scenarios" tab
- Click the OP1 configuration
- Click View OP Discovery
- Copy the last part of the authorization_endpoint URL for later usage. Example:

Change alias for OP1
- Log in to the configuration UI, go to the "Scenarios" tab
- Click Advanced
- Click on the pen to the right of Authentication - HTTP
- Search for the OP1 alias fetched in previous step (oidc_otp in the above example).
- Change the alias value by adding _auth to the old value. Example below.
- Click Stage changes and Commit changes

Find authenticator IDs
Log in to the configuration UI, go to the "Advanced" tab and press the pencil to the right of "Authentication - HTTP".
Fetch the id parameter value of the authenticators:
- The authenticator used for OP1:
"alias": "oidc_otp_auth",
"name": "OIDCPostUidPasswordAndOTP",
"configuration": {
"userValidationPipeID": "9945b2a3-a25c-4f22-b618-affed640eabf",
"otpValidationPipeID": "b283e3dd-a672-4c41-a909-64ac0f75d5f1",
"allowedRP": [
"loginTemplate": "login.template",
"otp": "otp",
"userNameParamName": "username",
"otpParamterName": "otp",
"requireConsent": "false",
"consentTemplate": "oidcconsent",
"enableHoneypot": "true"
"created": "2019-10-21T07:03:06.794Z",
"id": "74859296-96c2-4e5f-b257-4fe3ee94dc8d"
- The authenticator used for OP_SSO:
"alias": "oidc_az",
"name": "OIDCPostUidAndPassword",
"configuration": {
"pipeID": "39ed8579-1509-4d58-9025-cd028d3c56a9",
"allowedRP": [
"loginTemplate": "login.template",
"userNameParamName": "username",
"passworParamterName": "password",
"requireConsent": "false",
"consentTemplate": "oidcconsent",
"enableHoneypot": "true"
"created": "2020-04-16T12:45:28.429Z",
"id": "818cc560-fa60-44d2-9e16-cff7b0aeaa22"
Add Dispatch authenticator
Log in to the configuration UI, go to the "Advanced" tab and press the pencil to the right of "Authentication - HTTP".
Add a new Dispatch authenticator object.
- Set "alias" to OP1 original startpoint alias
- Set "idpID" to "dummy"
- Set the first "authenticator" value to OP1 id
- Set the second "authenticator" value to OP_SSO id
"name": "Dispatch",
"id": "start",
"alias": "oidc_otp",
"configuration": {
"idpID": "dummy",
"mapping": [
"authenticator": "4859296-96c2-4e5f-b257-4fe3ee94dc8d",
"expression": "!request.getParameter('authenticatedrequest').equals('true')"
"authenticator": "818cc560-fa60-44d2-9e16-cff7b0aeaa22",
"expression": "request.getParameter('authenticatedrequest').equals('true')"
When done press Stage changes/Commit changes.
Modify SSO authenticator
To prevent anonymous execution of the SSO authentication flow, please follow these steps:
- Log in to the configuration UI, go to the "Scenarios" tab
- Click on the OP_SSO oidc scenarion
- Click Execution flow
- Expand the first Execution flow
- Click Add valve
- Enter FlowFailValve
- Check Enabled
- Click Advanced and add this below skip if expression:
- Move to the newly added valve to be executed first
- Save changes
- Open the RP and click login
- Make sure you're logged in to the RP correctly
- Logout from the RP (not from the OP)
- With the browser still open, try to login to the RP again
- You should now be logged in to the RP without having to authenticate again.